Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Next meeting: July 14, 2008

Lifelines: The Brain Injury Support Group
meeting at Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas

The July meeting is scheduled for Monday, the 14th, from 6:30 – 8:00 PM (directions below).
Kimberly Aikman, founder and group facilitator, will speak about her experience as a brain injury survivor.

We now celebrate our 7th year!!! To mark the occasion, Kimberly will share the story of her journey into the foreign realm of brain injury survival. If you want helpful information, tips of survival and ways to improve your quality of life, this is the meeting for you!!!

How does one manage to survive in the frustrating and overwhelming world of brain injury rehabilitation? How does one move from being a victim to being a survivor and then finally a conqueror? What therapies are available? How does one restore brain function? How does one find the courage and strength to persevere even in the face of insurmountable odds?

How do you keep believing in yourself? How do you find all the missing pieces of the person you once were and arrange them to complete the puzzle of your future life?

How do you not give up? How do you heal? How do you remember to hope?

If these questions spark your interest, please send a reply email to Kimberly Aikman ( or call 214 289 0286 so we know to expect you.

Directions to Presbyterian Hospital:
Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas is located on Walnut Hill Lane, just east of U.S. 75 (Central Expressway). The meetings are in the

Fogelson Building, Ground Floor, Classroom A
Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas
8200 Walnut Hill Lane
Dallas, TX 75231


When turning into the campus from eastbound Walnut Hill, the best route to take may be the driveway prior to the light for the main entrance. The driveway curves away from the main entrance (direction towards North Central Expressway) and the entry to the parking lot is on the left (gated entry). The Fogelson Building has a small dome on top and is next to the Margot Perot Center.

Using the underground parking is the easiest way to reach the meeting location; if entering from the main floor, cross the foyer (past the stairs) and take the elevators to the ground floor. Classroom A is to the left off the elevators.

Remember that parking is now free! Be sure to get your validation sticker at the start of the meeting.

Neither Lifelines nor Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas endorse or recommend any method, treatment, or a program for persons with a brain injury. The intent of the group is to provide support and make information available. Attendance in the group is not a substitute for an informed discussion between a patient and his/her health care provider. No endorsement is intended nor implied.

2 comments: said...

It's great to hear you are hosting an in-person support group, those are sometimes hard to come by. Which is why we are creating, a website dedicated to helping those with brain (or spinal cord) injuries with all their post-injury questions. I thought your group may like to check it out, or the blog at in case they can't make the meeting. Good luck and good job with your group!

Unknown said...


The fact is currently the medical establishment does not understand much about the brain. We, as a society, know very well how to cover up the problem with medications and insuring that the individual will not recover. To me the idea is bogus!

I have recovered from a Severe Traumatic Brain Injury and I know how to replicate the results with 100% effectiveness. No two brain injuries are the same but it is also true that no two fractures of a bone are the same either but we know how to heal a broken bone and I know how to recover (from first hand experience) from brain injuries. Ironically enough I’ve never broken a bone!

My name is Jerry and I was recently reprimanded at my job. I worked for a non profit organization in founded to help people with brain injuries, when they got word that I was telling people that it was very possible to recover from brain injuries I was approached by two corporate managers about how it was impossible to recover from brain injuries and they politely asked me to not speak of these “Lies”.

I complied until one of the corporate managers told me that it was the Brain Injury Association of this state that filed a formal complaint with the director of the company when they heard that I was saying I knew how to help people actually recover. At that point I became OUTRAGED! I understood that the hospitals might not endorse the “No Brainer Recover Method” but I was under the impression that the Brain Injury Association of any state would be in support of promoting the recovery of Neural Trauma.

I have worked with some of the top minds in the field and we all agree that we should still get some more knowledge and backing in order to allow “No Brainer Productions” to get to the place in must be to reach the people that need the educations. It will take at least $15,000 to get this ship off the ground so I would like to know HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE A PART OF HISTORY? We are ready to invest the money on the 22 of July.

Any suggestion, referrals, ideas, or DONATIONS will be GREATLY appreciated!